Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sound Barriers

Sound Barriers

Last night when you asked if I heard what you
said, I guess I could have told you that the
human ear hears a range of sound between
20 and 20,000 Hertz, and that maybe your voice
explored a territory beyond those boundaries,
or that sound travels at a rate of approximately
660 miles per hour, so your words must have
whipped by me when I wasn't looking. I could
have told you that at the exact moment your
sound waves attempted to enter my ear to begin
the second phase of the semiotic process, a
semi drove by outside with its air horn blasting.
Maybe I should have tried the sensitive approach,
that the dense fog of my emotions was
too thick for your words to penetrate, or that the
frequency collapsed against the cacophony
inside my head as I listened to the words you
didn't say.
But the truth is, I just wasn't listening.
Justin says, "I check your blog almost every day. Why don't you post anything?"

Well, I must admit that he's right. I haven't posted anything, but I do have an excuse, which is that I've been scribbling down the story of Augie's journey from mean old man to not quite so mean old man. The first draft is now done, so now I guess my measly excuse has become nothing more than an ex-cuse (whatever that is).

Justin, I promise to be more diligent in the future. Somehow I must regain my blog appeal.