Saturday, October 3, 2009

Opening Bell


The gun just fired. It's time to break from the gate, to get into the race, to metaphorically set my pen to paper and get this blog going. And it's about time!

Read me and you won't be disappointed. You might not agree with me all the time, but you will always be entertained. At times you'll see stories I've written, poems I published, and my work in progress. As time goes by, you'll discover a need to search me out whenever you cruise through the internet. I'll be there.

Let me know if you like what you read. That's my only way of knowing if you're out there, scanning my blog, searching through my words for meaning, if there is any.

Wish me luck.

I'll see you soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i can't believe i've already been censored!

  3. I'll check you out every day. It's so nice to FINALLY get to read your poetry. Did I notice a story lingering in the shadowy corners of this blog somewhere? The story, possibly, of "Little Jimmy" out there on the high desert, lol?

